Friday, March 11, 2011

Presidents who live in glass houses...

Forget the teenage Intern in the bloody Oval Office, for chrissake; forget when he forced himself on Kathleen Roddick; how about two olive-skinned 15-year-olds on a private island procured by one Jeffery Epstein: Billionaire and convicted child-molester? The picture of Bill Clinton with his beet-red face in his hands, and staring-off into space when he was called on it, and looking like he was about to go into shock, is priceless. He cannot run from this one. His crooked, and ever-ready member just got him in trouble, and NObody is going to want to have anything to do with him, or his bull-dyke wife, who seems to also has a hankerin' for young, female flesh... the'll end-up bag-ladies in upstate New York. I hear that the only ticket price to hear him speak, (for hours), is two bucks. I wouldn't pay 50 cents to hear what that blowhard has to say... "Physician, heal thyself!"